there is no b team at society.
we don’t do decaf.
founded in 2018
we are society.
em met lex. lex and em did stuff (non-sexual). em met dani. dani got to meet lex too. dani and em did lots of stuff together (also non-sexual). em left dani. em started society. em secret squirreled lex. dani joined em. lex left to join em and dani. lex sits to the left of dani. em sits to the right. em had a miracle baby. dani hired a security guard for the office (honey). lex bought some fried chicken and the rest is history.
we are smarter than your average bear, we are the heavens to your murgatroyd and we’ll put the doo in both your yabba dabba and your scooby .
exit, stage left.
emma mulligan. danielle gillespie. alexis lam.
we understand the big picture
we know the devil’s in the details and he’s in our diets as well.
we bring brands to life in today’s competitive landscape
…we’re also working on world peace.